Adventure in Greece!

Betty Chaffee/ June 28, 2024/ Medication Management/ 10 comments

You may (nor may not) have noticed that it's been a while since I published a blog post. In case you were wondering if I'd decided to stop posting altogether, I thought I'd tell you what's been keeping me out of the office.

It has been over 30 years since my husband, Bruce, and I have been out of the country. (Well, except for Canada last fall when we drove to Maine, which doesn't really count.) We were invited by good friends to join them on their planned trip to Greece! We'd been planning the trip for months, but as it drew near we realized we still had a lot of details to finalize. So the whole past month has been filled with pre-trip plans, the actual two-week vacation, and recovery from jet lag. (Very honestly, the jet lag didn't take that long to recover from, but getting back into the normal routine was hard to swallow!) Anyway, I wanted to share some of our adventure with you.

The plane trips

For un-frequent flyers, the 10-plus hour flights were excruciating. Our pilots and crew were wonderful and got us there safely. BLufthansa planeut sitting in an economy seat for hours on end is, well, tough. The thing I'll remember most is, as we crossed timelines, the lights were turned off in the cabin at about 9pm Eastern time, and it wasn't more than three hours later that we reached sunrise and the cabin lights were abruptly switched on!  A rude introduction to overseas travel.


There is so much history to see in Athens. The Acropolis, Parthenon, Ancient Agora, artwork of all kinds. It's fascinating to imagine what went on thousands of years ago. And to see the actual sites where things happened. There are digs all over the city where artifacts have been found and are being preserved. And many people want to see them, so it's quite a popular place.

It's clear from my photos I took that I was more impressedView of Athens from Acropolis by the beauty of the city and the sea than by the history. I have no photos of the Acropolis itself, or the Parthenon, or any of the things people go there to see. I have only views of the city and surrounding area from atop the Acropolis!

View of Athens from Mt. LycabettusWe hiked up to the highest peak in Athens, Mount Lycabettus, and the city sprawled below. It was a tough hike in the morning heat, but the view was worth it!Atop Mt. Lycabettus

Ancient Corinth

Those of you who are familiar with the Christian BibleWhere Paul spoke in Ancient Corinth will recognize the city of Corinth. For those who don't know, Corinth was a city near Athens where Paul the Apostle spent a fair amount of time teaching the Greek folks about Jesus Christ. Here I took a number of photos, including this one of a spot that's thought to be where Paul stood and spoke with the people of Corinth.

Street Cats in Greece

Street cats in GreeceFeral cats are everywhere in Athens. And asking for food at all times. And if you make the mistake of feeding them, they're there to stay!


Ah, but the Greek Island!

There are lots of Greek Islands (new or forgotten information to me until several months ago!). With the help of our friends, we chose Antiparos, one of the less popular islands. Because it's not so well known, it wasn't crowded with tourists. It was beautiful, though. And relaxing. The first photo below is the view we had from our AirBnB. It was right near the sea, and we had a cool breeze almost all the time.

Antiparos from Air BnB

North shore hikeThe other three are from hikes we took on the north side of the island. The South Aegean Sea is clear, and lovely shades of blue. The water is cool, refreshing, and the beaches very popular. (I learned that it's permissible to remove clothing on those beaches. Not my cup of tea, but I did accidentally get an eyeful on a couple of occasions!)

North shore of Antiparos

North shore of Antiparos

A great adventure

All in all, our trip to Greece was all we hoped for. We saw history, experienced a different culture, got out of our comfort zone. It was partially challenging and partially restful and relaxing. We are glad we went, and glad to be home safely!

If you have travel stories you'd like to share, please add comments in the space below. Meanwhile, I'll slowly get back to reality, and the next post will have something to do with health and medications! (If you have ideas for future topics, please share.) And contact us directly at Better My Meds any time -- we love hearing from you!

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About Betty Chaffee

Betty Chaffee, PharmD, is owner and sole proprietor of BetterMyMeds, a Medication Management service devoted to helping people get the maximum benefit from their medications.


  1. Thank you for sharing Greece with us . That was an amazing vacation .

    1. You’re welcome, Mary! Now time to buckle down and get back to work!

  2. I’m so happy for you and I enjoyed your post and pics. I’ve never been to Greece. I’m glad you were able to go and I’m glad you are back. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

    1. Thanks Caroline. I hope you’re having a good summer, too!

  3. Love the pictures and descriptions

    1. Thanks Nancy! I’m so NOT a photographer, but cell phone cameras at least make it convenient to take lots of shots so you can get one good one!

  4. Could you provide some info on LASER therapy? Loved your blog on Greece.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, Ralph. The orthopedic use of laser treatment to decrease inflammation is new to me. I’ll see if I can learn enough about it to say something intelligent in a blog post!

  5. Sounds awesome. Enjoy while we can

    1. I’m with you on that, Tony!

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