Saw Palmetto For Prostate Health

Saw Palmetto For Prostate Health

Saw Palmetto is a dietary supplement that’s been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy. It’s most typically used to treat urinary symptoms due to prostate gland enlargement in men. In this post we’ll look at the potential health benefits of saw palmetto. We’ll also look at the roadblocks to achieving those benefits. Starting at the beginning Saw palmetto is a shrublike tree with fan-shaped leaves that’s native

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Coenzyme Q10 Keeps Our Bodies Running Smoothly

Coenzyme Q10 Keeps Our Bodies Running Smoothly

 Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a popular dietary supplement. It’s been studied as a preventative or treatment for many health problems. But CoQ10 is already being made in our bodies every day, and is present in just about every cell. So what is CoQ10, and what does it actually do? Who should consider using supplements? Let’s spend some time looking at the theory, research, and practical uses of coenzyme Q10. First,

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Magnesium – A Mineral We Can’t Do Without

Magnesium – A Mineral We Can’t Do Without

Magnesium is a mineral that’s been getting a lot more attention in recent years. If you subscribe to any health newsletters you may have seen an article or two about it. But if not, the idea that we should wonder if we’re getting enough of it may be completely new to you. I know it was to me, until several months ago. At that time I began to see more

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The Aromatherapy of Springtime

The Aromatherapy of Springtime

Just walking by the lilac tree in our yard today brought a smile to my face. Oh, the fragrance of a lilac tree in bloom! And so many other flowering trees and shrubs in bloom. Sometimes a slight breeze can bring a pleasant odor and you’re not even sure where it’s coming from. Being outdoors today made me think of aromatherapy and how it may bring health benefits to some

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